Pro Wrestling Revolution returns to Colorado at the Salon Madrid Event Center with a family friendly Lucha LIbre show. We want to thank all our sponsors for the continued support, especially during the transition of one company to another.
Revolution has had an extremely busy summer with events throughout out California and now Colorado. This gives us the opportunity to be able to work with even more talent from around the world and also open doors to new talent. It is exciting times for all involved, and we will continue in striving to expand our brand and are thankful for all the support we have received.
We look forward to making new fans and the expansion of our brand. Gracias raza, y que viva la Revolcion!
Delta Jr y El Zeven vs La Momia y Comandó Infernal
Picachu vs Golden Star
Electrónico Boy y Aguila Dorada vs Sangre Latina y Dark Espectro
2 Luchas Mas!