Journey of Life… Lucha Libre!

revolution_alternate_2_logoAs I’m driving on the journey of life and Highway 101, I am reflecting on the 1st time I ever seen lucha libre and realizing that the life dreams is in progress and hopefully reachable. Remember as a young boy going to watch lucha libre was the biggest trill and excitment that I could get.

Cuando yo era pequeño y iva a vesitar a mi abuelito, que en Dios descance, mi madre me llevava aver lucha libre en el arena de Tijuana y para mi ere lo mejor que me pudieran dar. I would see the wrestlers the likes of; Rey Misterio Jr , Pciscosis and Konnan, to name a few. Cuando yo los mirava a los luchadores yo los mirado como si eran super heroes como que no eran de este planeta. Yo savia que lucha libre era lo que queria ser y practicar.

On my 7th birthday my mother got me custom made Octagon piñatas and custom pastel (witch I should add Octagon is and will always be my favorite luchador) All this came to a change when I meet Gabe and Vaquero Fantasma, at a show that I attended at the Santa Cruz fairgrounds. I spoke with Gabe and told him ho much I respected his “empresa” and after the show Sparky (who I am very thankful for helping me meet vaquero and Gabe) introduced to me Vaquero and told me that they might be opening up a lucha school, we exchange numbers and I think I bugged Vaquero and Gabe everyday till we got a day set.

The 1st day I meet Gabe and Vaquero at the Revolution training school, I think my whole life change went from just wanting to train and learning lucha libre, to it becoming my life. As I started training with Revolution, I have become really close with Vaquero and Gabe, to where I call them my friends and there is a lot of trust. Revolution,  has made me very confident about myself and made me do things I never thought I would do, and see the luchadors and admired what they do, it has put me in the best shape of my life.

So as I’m getting to the Revolution training gym and hour away from home realizing that the journey that I’m in is now has become my life. Vaquero, gracias por todo profe y por creer en mi, and Gabe me encanta tu “EMPRESA”
